How Can I Become More Spiritual?
- At September 17, 2010
- By Betty
- In Blog, Counseling, Healing, Lotus Enlightenment
- 0
Hi Betty, My wife Mary and I have been separated for about 3 months and no matter what I do she won’t listen to me. I don’t know what to do at this juncture. She wants me to go to a marriage counselor with her. Do you think counseling will help my marriage? Thanks, Frederick
Hello Frederick, This is the information I received:
This is not so much about a marriage as it is about two souls who promised to help one another. I was also given a picture.
You are bending forward, focusing aggressive attention on Mary. She is pulling back from you and has turned her head away with mouth shut tight and eyes closed.
Then the picture changes:
You sit casually and comfortably in your chair, giving your attention to the counselor while occasionally looking toward Mary when she speaks. Your feelings for Mary are confined to those given to a respected and beloved friend.
Mary is sitting forward. She frequently glances at you when you are not looking and can no longer feel her power to provoke you. For the first time she can now express her emotions without resentment because her husband is no longer casting the shadow of his needs over her own.
The difference is brought about as you become emotionally centered and let go of her, and ask for the best resolution for all concerned. Know the outcome is completely out of your hands. If you can do this, the healing and subsequent gifts of the heart will be beyond anything you can imagine.
It is human arrogance to think we can change another; it is divine wisdom to know we can influence another by changing ourselves. Sincerely, Betty
Hi, my name is Kathy and I was wondering if you can recommend how I can become more spiritual. I appreciate any advice you can give. K.
Hello Kathy, To be spiritual means attending Catholic mass and smelling the warm fragrance of incense for one person, working in a vegetable garden and feeling the rich cool earth for another and fishing on a lake at 5:30 and watching the sunrise to someone else.
At its most basic, it is a heightened sensitivity and connection to all things around you. Sometimes it’s described as being at one with the universe.
Begin by finding out what activity makes you feel most connected and a part of this world. Discovering this will reveal that part of you that most easily connects to the spirit in all things. Sincerely, Betty
If you are seeking an answer to a life problem, please write to me at [email protected] All questions will be anonymous. From the Heart of the Lotus . . . is dedicated to spiritual service.
If you wish to have a Spiritual Counseling Session, please contact me for an appointment.